Michelle M. Carter - Intuitive Counselor & Psychic Medium

Michelle M. Carter - Intuitive Counselor & Psychic Medium

Instagram/Facebook: @michellemcartermedium

Choose a service to schedule

Intuitive Counseling / Psychic Mediumship

30 Minute Intuitive Counseling / Psychic Mediumship - $75
45 Minute Intuitive Counseling / Psychic Mediumship - $100
60 Minute Intuitive Counseling / Psychic Mediumship - $125
90 Minute Intuitive Counseling / Psychic Mediumship - $200
2 Hour Intuitive Counseling / Physhic Mediumship - $250

What to expect for your Intuitive Session - click here

2 Hour Space Clearings

Space Clearing - $250
Space clearings are available within a 15-mile radius of me with no additional charge for travel. Clearings that are outside of that radius will be and additional $50.00 to cover gas and time spent reaching the destination up to 30 miles.

Anything beyond a 30-mile radius will require conversation to discuss specifics and pricing. If interested, please reach out to me at michelle@michellemcarter.com and I will confirm the pricing. Thank you.

What to expect for your Space Clearing - click here

Group Readings

Group Reading - $350
3-10 people / 2 Hour Psychic Mediumship

Group Readings are available within a 15-mile radius of me with no additional charge for travel. Readings that are outside of that radius will be an additional $50.00 to cover gas and time spent reaching the destination up to 30 miles.

Anything beyond a 30-mile radius will require conversation to discuss specifics and pricing. If interested, please reach out to me at michelle@michellemcarter.com and I will confirm the pricing. Thank you.

What to expect for your Group Reading - click here

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